
Eminem feat Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie

Eminem feat Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie. Hip Hop has taken off yet again this year, with the likes of Tinie Tempah and B.O.B making their move for the crown. However the man recognised as the king of the game since the demise of Tupac has returned with his much anticipated album.

His latest single - Love the Way you Lie featuring Rihanna has undoubtably moved the spot light from his rivals.

Although the record is made up of the genres trademarks, the fact it's Eminem makes some what more worthy, his reputation makes you know it'll be a gem before you've heard it. Going down a storm at this years T In The Park after a five year absence, he payed tribute to his fans. His lyrics are probably some of the most meaningful ever written to date. Owning up to his problems, his wrongs and his mistakes through his music, the master has released another album hard to find a fault with. Love the Way you Lie is only one carat in the diamond ring, the album is, like any other Eminem record, a must.

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Eminem feat Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie

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