
Moisturizers Face Skin

Moisturizers face skin. Sometimes people that have dry skin become a weak person. They usually try so hard to having normal and soft skin, but never showing best result yet. If this problem happens to you, use these traditional tips.

1. Mix warm water with full cream milk, and then rub it’s as mask on our face, after stiff taste happen on our face, clean our face with warm water and fresh water. The function of this milk is to make our face clean and white.

2. Destroy avocado to be a soft porridge and use it as the mask on our face. After the mask is dry, clean with warm water. Then take ice to rubbing our face.

3. Rub soft mango on our face, after 30 minutes, wash with warm water.

Moisturizers face skin with natural materials are very good for us.

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